Thursday, October 29, 2009


Thursday 10.29.09

Today in my inbox was the notification from Adam Bouska's studio that Tommy and I had received our NOH8 photos! Adam started following me on Twitter several months ago (in case you didn't find this blog from Twitter and wish to join the millennium it's and I was intrigued by his profile pic and started to do a little research. He is an amazing fashion and celebrity photographer who started a campaign to protest Proposition 8 which was passed last year in California banning gay marriages. He started this in February and has already shot thousands of images in a style which is very unique to the project. Everyone wears white and has a temporary tattoo on their cheek. The imagery is very high key on a simple clean white backdrop and, of course, he photoshops the hell out of our eyes to make them jump out. My eyes are not that crystal clear blue. lol. Tommy 5tone (gay porn star extraordinaire) and I took one together which has not been released yet, but we both received our individual ones. I actually had another one which they forgot to send of me and the hot pink stuffed animal that I travel around the world with... yes he will be hitting the last continent with duct tape on his face and Sharpie on his cheek. So be it. It was a fun day for a good cause. So please spread the word and the imagery. If you are in the LA area next week and want to get your photo taken here is the info. Tommy is feeling like quite the celebrity and is annoying the shit out of me at the office running around calling himself an internet sensation. Puh-leeze.

I had to run an errand in UTC today and I literally haven't been up there in about 10+ years. Recently I was talking about good Italian food in San Diego and wasn't getting very far with any recommendations and I had remembered a place I went to years ago called Lorna's Italian Kitchen. Lorna was a real piece of work, kind of like those jerky waitresses at Dick's Last Resort except Lorna was probably a bitch in real life and not paid to be "bitchy". Big difference, ya know? Tonight there were only polite people working and I ordered the side of meatball and the meat lasagna to go. I decided to get crazy on a weeknight (obvi sarcasm) and open a bottle of Grenache from Australia and enjoy my hearty Italian meal with a nice red wine. I have to tell you about my "dot" system for labeling wine. Some of you know the deal... I always have a tiny red marker handy at my house and I put little teeny tiny red dots in the lower left corner of the label when I purchase wine. This is because I would come home from happy hour and be buzzed and open up an expensive bottle of wine. When you are already half in the bag, drinking a $60 bottle of wine does you no good. You do not enjoy it, nor do you fully appreciate it. So, if there is one dot, it is under ten bucks. If there are 2 dots the wine costs between ten and twenty bucks. So on and so forth. I think the most expensive bottle I ever drank at home was between $90 and $100. You might laugh and think that this is ghetto, but when all of your friends in town have keys to your house and decide to let themselves in when you are out of town to use the hottub and play ping pong it is rather helpful in keeping friendships together. The issue with this system is that now everyone knows about it. I was so proud of my genius idea that I told everyone and now I am doomed when I want to bring a bottle over to someone's place as a gift and they realize that I only think of them as a one or two dotter.

The food was alright. But I think I came to the realization this evening that I wouldn't know good Italian food versus bad Italian food versus Chef Boyardee. It's not my favorite thing in the world and I almost never crave it. My niece Nikki would eat pizza every day for the rest of her life if it had any nutritional value... I just don't get excited about it.

Pearla, I am sorry I cheated on you.


Wednesday 10.28.09

It seems as though when I take a few days off I just end up making up the hours later. It's not really time off because the work doesn't go away! I worked a 13 hour day today and by the time I left the office I was starving... I had some leftover Chinese food at home, so I went home and woofed it down and then got back on the internet and did more work til almost 11:00 pm. Those days feel good when they are over, but in the last few hours I wrangle with my thoughts about why this is happening and how I can be more efficient. My wrist is bugging again today because I was typing for hours on end. grrrr

Today was a good laugh in that we saw the edited version of our "test" the other night with the new equipment. Oh man, if you are easily offended by someone who is flamboyantly gay and in love with himself, pass on clicking this link. If you can appreciate a talented homosexual who is the master of improv and thinking cleverly on his feet, then click away. All I was doing was simply testing the lighting and the white background. I asked Tommy 5tone to pretend he was a gay porn star and answer my questions while we checked the audio. Here is the result.

So... here is a lesson for you in procrastination. My 20 year class reunion is coming up in Connecticut over Thanksgiving weekend and I have known about it for a long time. I was the class president so yeah, I knew about it approximately 20 years ago. I procrastinated buying a plane ticket until today and guess how much it was!? $930 bucks! This, my friends, is NOT the way to live.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Tuesday 10.27.09

Oftentimes in the morning when I go out to my car I am accosted by giant spiderwebs. Today was one of those days where I happen to catch it in the morning sunlight before he had a chance to get all up in my shit. They like to attach themselves to the trash cans to the left of my car and then to the driver's side door. It's a lovely encounter at that hour. My wrist was hurting still pretty bad, but not bad enough for me to skip taking this picture with my very heavy lens.

When I am already pushed for time for taking a few days off, you can imagine how frustrating today was working at half the speed that I normally work. And when you are in a hurry you forget about the pain and try to use the painful body part. Simple tasks like putting my seatbelt on... super annoying!

The highlight of my day was eating at Arby's with Ryan while we ran around picking up new equipment. Well, actually the highlight of my day was buying new gear, but the roast beef and cheddar sandwich was a close second. There is something magical about that thinly pressed "beef" and the fake orange cheese food stuff... combined with the sweet sauce... you have a little slice of heaven. Even food snobs have their fast food guilty pleasures.


Monday 10.26.09

When I woke up in NYC on Sunday my left wrist was hurting a little and I just figured it was because of the shitty rainy cold weather... sometimes, you know...when you get a little arthritic pain. OK, maybe I am just getting old. The pain progressed and got much much worse as today went by. I was on the train coming back to SD and I swear to god I could feel my heartbeat in my fingertips. Completely painful, completely unexplainable. I didn't fall down. I didn't trip and catch my fall. I didn't have crazy sex. I wasn't tied up by my wrists. So what the fuck is the problem!? I couldn't type, and using my blackberry was almost out of the question. I tried to self diagnose it and put one of those sweet wrist guards that look like the pro-bowlers use but it wasn't really helping.

Grey Goose became my best friend. We stopped into Tivoli Bar downtown to say hi to our friend Michael who is one of the owners. (I met Kim many years ago when she was a bartender there.) He was hanging out with this nutty guy named Tom who I just adore. Tom works as little as humanly possible and travels all over the world. He is in his early 50's and is full of life. I have only met him three times, but every time it's a great conversation and I truly enjoy his company. He has so much positive energy!

We ate some of Tivoli's new Canadian menu (that sounds so ridiculous). Poutine is a pretty classic French Canadian dish which consists of french fries, gravy and cheese curds. Sounds gross? Try it! I know it looks like a bug, but you really don't understand til you put it in your mouth.

Michael trying to look cool.

Tom went home and the three of us went to J Bar, which has been getting some really good reviews lately. Unwarranted, I might add. I ordered pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon (overcooked), wild mushroom orriecchette pasta (overpowering mushroom taste), lobster and crab cake with a poached egg on top (what is the purpose of that?? it was average) and duck confit (not the best I have had.)

I went home and crashed out after a long weekend. I only woke up screaming from the pain 3 times in the middle of the night.
No bueno :(


Sunday 10.25.09

I fucked up and thought I had an early flight out of JFK so I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to sleep in. I landed in Burbank at 4:30 pm, just enough time for Yesenia to pick Kim and I up and take us to our hotel, grab a bite to eat and head to the show. 96,000 people can be pretty overwhelming and the Rose Bowl is a bit of a mess but we had a blast. They played some really old stuff, and of course the new album is amazing. I have to say I think "Magnificent" is my favorite song off their new album, and I was delighted when they played "The Unforgettable Fire" which is one of my all-time fave classics.

I found this mask down by the concession stands and soon learned that everyone is supposed to wear the thing during the song "Walk On."It is in honor of a woman named Aung San Suu Kyi who was elected the President of Burma and has been in prison for 14 years since her election. There goes Bono again trying to save the world.... it must be tough between filming ipod commercials and making webcameos on Entourage. :)

Kim and I were smart enough to leave the stadium early in an attempt to catch a cab back to the hotel. However, we weren't smart enough to wear tennis shoes and we weren't smart enough to go the right way to where the taxis were. Good times! We were walking and walking and walking towards what we thought was the main street, and finally walked up to a hippy looking couple in a car and asked for a ride. I prefer to say we car jacked them, but in reality, they were very cooperative and we gave them $40 to simply transport us out of there. The guy was a little pissy, but the woman was very nice. We were dropped off at our hotel and were not smart enough to go to bed. We proceeded to get hammered at this strange place called the 35er (and the only reason I know this is because I tweeted it and went back and read it this morning! lol) and were eventually escorted home by a nice man whose name escapes me. I do remember that he was in our hotel room at some point and I do remember telling him that he wasn't going to get very far with either of us and that he had to leave. I guess at that point I went face down into the bed snoring and he talked to Kim for 20 minutes about how he liked me. Long story short, Kim has no idea if she gave him my phone number, her phone number or a fake one. I guess I can't expect her to close the deal for me if I can't even stay awake... what a lush.


Saturday 10.24.09

Today was a 9 hour day of seminars. There were a few quick 15 minute breaks between, but honestly, I was on the edge of my seat for most of the day. (Well, after the adderall kicked in.) First up was a very informative 3 hour book publishing seminar, which was the primary reason that I came to this show. Then we had the honor of listening to keynote speaker James Nachtwey in such a moving presentation that I literally cried. (Good thing it was dark in there) He has been documenting war, famine and other crimes against humanity for many years. Listening to him today and give commentary on so many of his compelling shots was an unforgettable experience for me. It was truly an honor. Please take the time to click on these links and look at his images. It made me feel shallow, small and insignificant. At that moment I felt like there was no other purpose in life except photojournalism. I felt like any photograph that I had taken or might take in the future was dumb and futile in comparison to what he showed us. Photojournalists like James Nachtwey give a voice to people who have no voices. He has recently been in the news for his documentation of drug resistant tuberculosis in very poor countries, when oftentimes patients are inflicted with TB and HIV. He was one of three recipients of the TED award in 2007 where he was allowed one wish… He wished that tuberculosis was given the medical attention and funding that it deserved. This is something that is preventable, treatable and curable and needs to be addressed. His wish is finally being acknowledged.

After his lecture I sat in on a podcasting and social media seminar. Shockingly, there were very few people in this room. If you don’t think that social media is a valid way to increase your business, I don’t know what to tell you… you are seriously missing the boat. So there I was tweeting away and the instructor totally called me out for being on my phone and using Twitter. Then of course, I had to tweet about the fact that I got busted for tweeting. One of my followers said “Laura, if you are tweeting from a social media seminar you do not need to be at a social media seminar.” It was pretty funny, actually. I did learn a lot about the importance of podcasting and video content for a blog J

The last lecture of the weekend was about internet strategies and guerilla marketing. I didn’t get that much information that I didn’t already know from working at Naughty America for so many years. The adult industry is typically one step ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to technology and I do know a thing or two about getting traffic to your site, so I listened to the instructors tell a room full of photographers (who probably still use film) about how to buy a domain name and where to host it. HA! In all seriousness, I did walk away with a couple of good ideas…

I went back to my room and searched some more domain names and scooped up a bunch of Twitter names and then Hot Liz picked me up in a cab and we headed to Gramercy Park Hotel for a drink. I want to point out that Liz travels with road sodas and she is not under the age of 21.

That place is really really sexy… and there are some delicious drinks on their menu. I had the watermelon mint martini and a drink called Garden of Eden made of gin, ginger root and something else which escapes me now. Liz had the most amazing cinnamon mojito… I wanted to have sex with it.

We went to a gimmicky restaurant called Ninja NY

Imagine if Bruce Lee owned Benihana.

The food was average… but it was also close to closing time, so they were in a hurry to get us out of there. I am pretty sure they served me a plate of nigiri that had been prepared an hour beforehand. Oh well. Lesson learned. It was my idea and they both loved it, but I am never going back.

I want to close with this: In your day to day dealings with people… remember to always treat people as you want to be treated. I know you have all heard this before from your mother and I know that we all know that this is the right thing to do… but actually do it. Sometimes your actions might hurt someone’s feelings… just think carefully. It’s never a good idea to burn a bridge because of a simple act of discourteousness.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Friday 10.23.09

I met up with Carly Parker, Hot Liz and Shanna for a quick bite and a bottle of wine this evening. Rain + 3 squirrely women = California Pizza Kitchen. Fantastic! I am in the most culinary diverse city on the planet and these bitches made me eat at CPK. It was a tragedy. Carly and Liz are in “relationships” but Shanna and I are about as single as they come, so we were most definitely interested in going somewhere after our caloric intake. (I refuse to even call it dinner) We stumbled into a tavern across the street and were hit on by a man who was about 88 years old. He was so cute, though…..he was too shy to tell us we were pretty so he had the younger guy next to him tell us. Adorable. We took a town car (again, taxis are for commoners LOL) and ended up at a very cool looking place called The Gold Bar in Little Italy. The place was a little pretentious, but in a cool way. There are goofy portraits on the walls of people wearing gold chains and there are skulls painted gold all over the walls.

Unique cocktails…. I had the Ginger Mint Lemonade (yum) and then the Lavender Kiss (which looked like dirty dish soap, but tasted alright). Early night tonight, I have seminars all day tomorrow….

I thought this logo was interesting.... at what point, if ever... would you change it? Never.