Thursday, October 29, 2009


Thursday 10.29.09

Today in my inbox was the notification from Adam Bouska's studio that Tommy and I had received our NOH8 photos! Adam started following me on Twitter several months ago (in case you didn't find this blog from Twitter and wish to join the millennium it's and I was intrigued by his profile pic and started to do a little research. He is an amazing fashion and celebrity photographer who started a campaign to protest Proposition 8 which was passed last year in California banning gay marriages. He started this in February and has already shot thousands of images in a style which is very unique to the project. Everyone wears white and has a temporary tattoo on their cheek. The imagery is very high key on a simple clean white backdrop and, of course, he photoshops the hell out of our eyes to make them jump out. My eyes are not that crystal clear blue. lol. Tommy 5tone (gay porn star extraordinaire) and I took one together which has not been released yet, but we both received our individual ones. I actually had another one which they forgot to send of me and the hot pink stuffed animal that I travel around the world with... yes he will be hitting the last continent with duct tape on his face and Sharpie on his cheek. So be it. It was a fun day for a good cause. So please spread the word and the imagery. If you are in the LA area next week and want to get your photo taken here is the info. Tommy is feeling like quite the celebrity and is annoying the shit out of me at the office running around calling himself an internet sensation. Puh-leeze.

I had to run an errand in UTC today and I literally haven't been up there in about 10+ years. Recently I was talking about good Italian food in San Diego and wasn't getting very far with any recommendations and I had remembered a place I went to years ago called Lorna's Italian Kitchen. Lorna was a real piece of work, kind of like those jerky waitresses at Dick's Last Resort except Lorna was probably a bitch in real life and not paid to be "bitchy". Big difference, ya know? Tonight there were only polite people working and I ordered the side of meatball and the meat lasagna to go. I decided to get crazy on a weeknight (obvi sarcasm) and open a bottle of Grenache from Australia and enjoy my hearty Italian meal with a nice red wine. I have to tell you about my "dot" system for labeling wine. Some of you know the deal... I always have a tiny red marker handy at my house and I put little teeny tiny red dots in the lower left corner of the label when I purchase wine. This is because I would come home from happy hour and be buzzed and open up an expensive bottle of wine. When you are already half in the bag, drinking a $60 bottle of wine does you no good. You do not enjoy it, nor do you fully appreciate it. So, if there is one dot, it is under ten bucks. If there are 2 dots the wine costs between ten and twenty bucks. So on and so forth. I think the most expensive bottle I ever drank at home was between $90 and $100. You might laugh and think that this is ghetto, but when all of your friends in town have keys to your house and decide to let themselves in when you are out of town to use the hottub and play ping pong it is rather helpful in keeping friendships together. The issue with this system is that now everyone knows about it. I was so proud of my genius idea that I told everyone and now I am doomed when I want to bring a bottle over to someone's place as a gift and they realize that I only think of them as a one or two dotter.

The food was alright. But I think I came to the realization this evening that I wouldn't know good Italian food versus bad Italian food versus Chef Boyardee. It's not my favorite thing in the world and I almost never crave it. My niece Nikki would eat pizza every day for the rest of her life if it had any nutritional value... I just don't get excited about it.

Pearla, I am sorry I cheated on you.


  1. Damn, Laura - your eyes are absolutely stunning. The rest of you is aight.
