Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Sunday 10.25.09

I fucked up and thought I had an early flight out of JFK so I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to sleep in. I landed in Burbank at 4:30 pm, just enough time for Yesenia to pick Kim and I up and take us to our hotel, grab a bite to eat and head to the show. 96,000 people can be pretty overwhelming and the Rose Bowl is a bit of a mess but we had a blast. They played some really old stuff, and of course the new album is amazing. I have to say I think "Magnificent" is my favorite song off their new album, and I was delighted when they played "The Unforgettable Fire" which is one of my all-time fave classics.

I found this mask down by the concession stands and soon learned that everyone is supposed to wear the thing during the song "Walk On."It is in honor of a woman named Aung San Suu Kyi who was elected the President of Burma and has been in prison for 14 years since her election. There goes Bono again trying to save the world.... it must be tough between filming ipod commercials and making webcameos on Entourage. :)

Kim and I were smart enough to leave the stadium early in an attempt to catch a cab back to the hotel. However, we weren't smart enough to wear tennis shoes and we weren't smart enough to go the right way to where the taxis were. Good times! We were walking and walking and walking towards what we thought was the main street, and finally walked up to a hippy looking couple in a car and asked for a ride. I prefer to say we car jacked them, but in reality, they were very cooperative and we gave them $40 to simply transport us out of there. The guy was a little pissy, but the woman was very nice. We were dropped off at our hotel and were not smart enough to go to bed. We proceeded to get hammered at this strange place called the 35er (and the only reason I know this is because I tweeted it and went back and read it this morning! lol) and were eventually escorted home by a nice man whose name escapes me. I do remember that he was in our hotel room at some point and I do remember telling him that he wasn't going to get very far with either of us and that he had to leave. I guess at that point I went face down into the bed snoring and he talked to Kim for 20 minutes about how he liked me. Long story short, Kim has no idea if she gave him my phone number, her phone number or a fake one. I guess I can't expect her to close the deal for me if I can't even stay awake... what a lush.

1 comment:

  1. That alien robot spider surrounding the stage is almost to big to believe!
