Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Monday 10.26.09

When I woke up in NYC on Sunday my left wrist was hurting a little and I just figured it was because of the shitty rainy cold weather... sometimes, you know...when you get a little arthritic pain. OK, maybe I am just getting old. The pain progressed and got much much worse as today went by. I was on the train coming back to SD and I swear to god I could feel my heartbeat in my fingertips. Completely painful, completely unexplainable. I didn't fall down. I didn't trip and catch my fall. I didn't have crazy sex. I wasn't tied up by my wrists. So what the fuck is the problem!? I couldn't type, and using my blackberry was almost out of the question. I tried to self diagnose it and put one of those sweet wrist guards that look like the pro-bowlers use but it wasn't really helping.

Grey Goose became my best friend. We stopped into Tivoli Bar downtown to say hi to our friend Michael who is one of the owners. (I met Kim many years ago when she was a bartender there.) He was hanging out with this nutty guy named Tom who I just adore. Tom works as little as humanly possible and travels all over the world. He is in his early 50's and is full of life. I have only met him three times, but every time it's a great conversation and I truly enjoy his company. He has so much positive energy!

We ate some of Tivoli's new Canadian menu (that sounds so ridiculous). Poutine is a pretty classic French Canadian dish which consists of french fries, gravy and cheese curds. Sounds gross? Try it! I know it looks like a bug, but you really don't understand til you put it in your mouth.

Michael trying to look cool.

Tom went home and the three of us went to J Bar, which has been getting some really good reviews lately. Unwarranted, I might add. I ordered pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon (overcooked), wild mushroom orriecchette pasta (overpowering mushroom taste), lobster and crab cake with a poached egg on top (what is the purpose of that?? it was average) and duck confit (not the best I have had.)

I went home and crashed out after a long weekend. I only woke up screaming from the pain 3 times in the middle of the night.
No bueno :(

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