Thursday, October 29, 2009


Wednesday 10.28.09

It seems as though when I take a few days off I just end up making up the hours later. It's not really time off because the work doesn't go away! I worked a 13 hour day today and by the time I left the office I was starving... I had some leftover Chinese food at home, so I went home and woofed it down and then got back on the internet and did more work til almost 11:00 pm. Those days feel good when they are over, but in the last few hours I wrangle with my thoughts about why this is happening and how I can be more efficient. My wrist is bugging again today because I was typing for hours on end. grrrr

Today was a good laugh in that we saw the edited version of our "test" the other night with the new equipment. Oh man, if you are easily offended by someone who is flamboyantly gay and in love with himself, pass on clicking this link. If you can appreciate a talented homosexual who is the master of improv and thinking cleverly on his feet, then click away. All I was doing was simply testing the lighting and the white background. I asked Tommy 5tone to pretend he was a gay porn star and answer my questions while we checked the audio. Here is the result.

So... here is a lesson for you in procrastination. My 20 year class reunion is coming up in Connecticut over Thanksgiving weekend and I have known about it for a long time. I was the class president so yeah, I knew about it approximately 20 years ago. I procrastinated buying a plane ticket until today and guess how much it was!? $930 bucks! This, my friends, is NOT the way to live.

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